Personal interests


Exploring new places, tasting different food, meeting exciting people and experiencing wonderful cultures, travelling is amazing. Next to all this it gives perspective on the world, makes your view more wide, enhances your people skills and enlarges you language pallet. Mandy has visited all 7 continents and more than 85 countries and still counting...
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Who doesn't love music? Mandy sure does! Next to listening all sorts of music, she also used to play keyboard. But her big passion is singing. Not only the 'under the shower' kind, but also as a soloist in a choir.
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Nothing gives you more energy than to help someone else every once in a while. Mandy tries to do her part and organised a yearly summerevent for primary school kids, volunteered for her study association and even went to India to spent her holiday teaching English to children who used to work in the mining industry.
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For a healthy mind, one should have a healthy body. So to keep up some kind of a condition Mandy did some fitness, streetdance and even zumba. And although volleyball is her favourite sport, running and fitness turned out to be the most fun.
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