Professional experience

Travel and beyond...

Mandy spend 2017 abroad exploring some of the awesome places this world has to offer. While brushing of her Spanish she broadended her view on the world and got a clearer view on its needs.
After this year she was fully charged to take on some more challenges and started on several projects to help other people reach their fullest potential. If you think you could use her help as well, get in touch!
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Over a period during and after her university period, Mandy worked at BiZZdesign - A IT and consultancy company helping organizations manage drive excellent processes. There she was entrusted with strategic change projects on several departments.
With her enthusiasm and drive to make work better and easier, she implemented several company wide improvement processes like global expension, ERP implementation, HR policy rewrites and so on. There is no challenge Mandy is not able to solve!
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Mandy followed a major in Nature and Health on her secondary School. Her end report turned out to be rewarded with a first place award on the international conference for young scientists in the life science category.
After that she got her Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the Radboud University of Nijmegen with complementary courses from the University of Twente in Enschede.
And the Master degree in Business Administration with specialisation in Global Business and Stakeholder Management was reached in 2012 from the Rotterdam School of Management at the Erasmus University. This master specializes in knowledge and skills to reach better than expected results with stakeholders who have different outsets. Mandy specialized in this master with courses and her thesis on volunteer motivation and management. These skills make her able to reach synergy with implementing out-of-the-box solutions.
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